Mick Flannery

This, courtesy of my girlfriend who insisted I review, was my first exposure to Mick Flannery, and what a delight he proved to be. Strong, solid songs with intelligent, insightful lyrics. A weary, seen-it-all and heard-it-all-before voice which perfectly suited the material – love gone wrong through betrayal and jealousy. Flannery effortlessly managed to steer clear of cliche and banal observation and, as he confessed, despite having limited stage presence, his lugubrious persona and occasional dry-as-dust humour meant you couldn’t fail to warm to the man and his music. The band were fine, if unexceptional musicians. It was Flannery’s night and he acquitted himself well. I’m now a fan.

The Prince Albert, 9 September 2013


Gary Mepsted

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