Water feeling! Colonic hydrotherapy at Revitalise

Holly Cozens experiences Colonic Hydrotherapy for the first time with Revitalise

When telling people I would be going for Colonic Hydrotherapy treatment, I was met with a lot of raised eyebrows and upturned noses. The stigma or embarrassment that is attached to this type of therapy however is not what was worrying me. I have been an Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) sufferer for many years since my early childhood with many alternative solutions constantly being proposed to me from basic medication to choice of diet.

When I visited Revitalise, the only relation I had to having anything involving that region is my memories of several colonoscopies performed over the last ten years so I wasn’t prepared for such a relaxing experience. I was greeted by my therapist who sat me down to talk through my previous meals and whether I would actually be able to partake in this treatment. After disclosing my IBS problem, she proceeded to take me through a very insightful explanation of how digestive issues occur, affect our bodies and why certain dietary choices can be crucial in helping our systems to operate how they should.

This was incredibly eye-opening to me and allowed me to see a much clearer cause and effect in terms of what I eat, even though it was yet another reminder that cake is a big no-no (my biggest weakness!). I respect the abundance of knowledge applied prior to my actual treatment as it made me feel comfortable, at ease and less anxious.

After giving full details of what was about to commence in a thorough consultation (I was a little weary of the using three tanks of water comment), I was ready for the therapy. The outcome (if you excuse the pun) was a sensation which wasn’t altogether unpleasant with a few deep breaths here and there when she caused the water to build pressure. The feeling afterwards I can only describe as feeling clear and fresh, imagine if you will Julie Andrews in the ‘I have confidence’ scene from The Sound Of Music.

Benefits of colonic hydrotherapy
• Treatment boosts your immune system: the colon is cleansed as toxic material is broken down

• The colon is reshaped – bulging pockets of waste are eliminated, enabling the colon to resume its natural state

• Improves digestion – problems such as IBS, bloating and more can be resolved

• Aids weight loss

• Clearer and brighter skin complexion plus hydration of the body

Colonic Hydroptherapy at Revitalise, Hove, £70 for 75 mins (first session £60 for all clients). 86 Church Road, Hove, 01273 738389, hove@revitalise-u.com
Visit the website www.revitalise-u.com for special offers.

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