Horoscopes: 15 – 21 October 2013

ARIES {Mar 21–Apr 20}
Your rulers move out of the inexhaustible and dramatic sign of Leo into the rather more humble and correctness obsessed Virgo. This means that you’ll have to rely on more than just your confidence to get by. The full Moon is in Aries can help you see what is usually hidden.

TAURUS {Apr 21–May 21}
You’re going to have to let that personality of yours out to play as this week heralds the start of an enjoyable Mars transit through your fifth house of fun, in witty and knowledgeable Virgo. You can see the funny side in all its glorious detail.

GEMINI {May 22–June 21}
Enlightening revelations come if you spend the full Moon around friends. Perhaps you can redefine the term as you shouldn’t have to try around a genuine friend. If it makes you feel bad, then the chances are you are better off going you own way.

CANCER {June 22–July 22}
Love isn’t going to be easy when harbouring so much cynicism. If you want to get the best out of others, you may need to hold them in higher esteem, this will give them the room to be the best that they can be around you. You can heal a working rift.

LEO {July 23–Aug 22}
This weeks buzzword is ‘Fairness’. Your ruler is currently at its most brilliant when displaying an understanding for the scales of justice. The full Moon may shake things up as primal desires leave you with a keen sense of your own identity.

VIRGO {Aug 23–Sep 22}
Mars moves into your sign this week. While it’s not the most placid of influences, it can however prove highly motivating as the pulse of life is felt with primal gut instincts and the desire to seize the day can be compelling! Make the most of it, start that fitness plan or that exciting new project now!

LIBRA {Sep 23–Oct 22}
When it comes to seeing things from the opposite point of view, you’re second to none! On the one hand this is one of the greatest of celestial gifts, however, it can also leave you worn out and deflated.

SCORPIO {Oct 23–Nov 21}
Writing deadlines are motivating, and it seems that you have a lot you would like to be saying right now. Get it on paper. While procrastinating Saturn may make you feel ill prepared, the truth is, you’ve never been more focused on the outcome.

SAGITTARIUS {Nov 22–Dec 20}
With Venus in your sign, creature comforts can be enjoyed as can all of life’s bounty. The desire for harmony permeates every aspect of life, helping you to sooth over old riffs and present a fresh and more congenial outlook to the world.

CAPRICORN {Dec 21–Jan 19}
There’s always going to be more: more to learn, more to try. The full Moon can illuminate the interwoven connection between the macro and microcosm of your thinking and your life. Be prepared to travel further in your search for answers.

AQUARIUS {Jan 20–Feb 19}
Your research skills may or may not be the most precise in the zodiac. However, as Mars takes a determined lead in scrutinising Virgo, you can really excel. There is nothing that you can’t find out – if you so will it. One friendship brings something valuable into your life.

PISCES {Feb 20–Mar 20}
Being the psychic sponge of the Zodiac, you’re the first person to intuit the moods and feelings of others. As no stranger to this, be careful what company you keep as aggressor Mars may make partners or those you’re close to very willful! Your ego or theirs may drive you to distraction.

Val Aviv is the presenter for Brighton Lights on Latest TV www.thelatest.tv
For more astrological insights and monthly horoscopes visit www.valaviv.com or for a personal astrological reading contact Val Aviv at: astrology@valaviv.com

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