Horoscopes: 5 – 11 November 2013

ARIES {Mar 21–Apr 20}
Despite being one of the most straightforward signs of the zodiac you can be easily misunderstood, on account of other people’s sensitivities finding your direct approach off putting. With Venus now smoothing rough edges, professionally, you can enjoy life out of the dog house.

TAURUS {Apr 21–May 21}
Rethink a financial plan as you have more influence than you realise. If there’s something a little more daring that your heart is set on, why not find a way to make it a reality? That is after all, what you’re good at! Important negotiations can happen..

GEMINI {May 22–June 21}
You can be proud of your professional progress during these autumnal months. A financial proposition or business deal now can have beneficial implications. If a love affair starts this week, it is likely to affect you deeply, having a profound effect .

CANCER {June 22–July 22}
You can receive more help and encouragement from others as it seems everyone wants to see you succeed and help you to bring about a great transformation. Listen out for special love words as they may reveal a secret passion .

LEO {July 23–Aug 22}
Being a Yang sign, of fiery outward energy, it is rare for you to spend time in reflection, especially over the past. However, it’s a good time to honouran important part of your history, in preperation for you to gather your energies and move forward.

VIRGO {Aug 23–Sep 22}
Things not going quite the way you want them to? Need to change tack before you wind up on a road to a destination you have no desire to visit? Then this is your lucky week, especially in love. Don’t be afraid to change course.

LIBRA {Sep 23–Oct 22}
While a particular road may be long, its value grows through the passage of time. It’s time to dust yourself off and reclaim your self worth with biblical zeal, you’re at the top of your game and opportunity is going to be chasing you!

SCORPIO {Oct 23–Nov 21}
Since Saturn, you may now find that a more cautious you has emerged. Speculative, but not crippled with inertia. Ambitious, but not compromising moral integrity. The road to self mastery is long, but lessons learned now will be with you forever.

SAGITTARIUS {Nov 22–Dec 20}
You’re going to be lucky with money, so if you need more of it, be proactive and charm the pants off all the right people. Love seems to be life’s food, while partners may not be declaring passionate works of art after you, it is likely that they are showing their love in a practical way.

CAPRICORN {Dec 21–Jan 19}
With Venus and Pluto in your sign, it’s going to be hard for you to ruin a perfectly good impression. You’re magnetic and looking good, as the week nears its end you may fancy a new look. Transforming your image may bring out your seductive side.

AQUARIUS {Jan 20–Feb 19}
You’re in a position of great influence at work, professionally blowing all the right whistles and bells, so you don’t need to participate in power struggles. Sometimes changing that little stubborn thing within us, can be the only solution to a situation that we have no control over.

PISCES {Feb 20–Mar 20}
Your game plan keeps changing. One moment you are swimming against the tide with ferocious esteem, only to change tack and float downstream with a holiday maker’s ease. While you were born to embrace many possibilities, people may not know where they stand with you.

Val Aviv is the presenter for Brighton Lights on Latest TV www.thelatest.tv
For more astrological insights and monthly horoscopes visit www.valaviv.com or for a personal astrological reading contact Val Aviv at: astrology@valaviv.com

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