Our House

Seldom does my opinion of a show turn so completely, but this one did. In the first half I found the music monotonous and flat, the play confused and I hated the set – a cluttered mess that was distractingly busy. Then after the half all clicked into place – well, all but the set. Somewhere light and shade had arrived, the Madness songs were not all being delivered at full volume and full throttle. All good as this musical is no glib juke-box confection. The script cleverly utilises the lyrics to progress the narrative and my, what a company, such energy and talent. I found myself swept along and actually having fun. Alexis Gerred is one huge ball of charisma, Lloyd Gorman has menace but also a huge voice and Natasha Lewis and Dominique Planter put the jiggle into giggle. By the end I was in, a great fun entertainment, despite the worst set I have ever seen.

Theatre Royal Brighton, 5 November 2013


Andrew Kay

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