Cinders at the Emporium, Brighton

Emporium Enchanted

Emporium’s repertory company are staging a true Brighton panto this Christmas with a cast and crew of local professional actors, writer and designers

Full of colourful characters, thrilling theatrical effects and sumptuous costumes, Cinders is the perfect escape from the winter weather for all the family. Of course no pantomime would be complete without slapstick silliness, a damsel in distress rescued by her dashing Prince, and a truly wicked, boo-able villainess, and Cinders has these by the glittery bucketful!

Prepare to “Ooooh!” when Cinders and her Mother face peril in the spooky woods. “Aaaaah!” at the first meeting of our heroine and her Prince, and gasp as the Fairy Godmother does things with a pumpkin that would astound Laurence Llewlyn-Bowen.

“We are staging a Christmas show, and bringing the magical story to life,” says director James Weisz. “It’s not just a panto, which can be very tired – wheeling out the same old sets, ill-fitting costumes and pop culture references that pull children and audiences out of the magic. We’ve all sat and talked about the best elements of panto and put those in.

The story of Cinderella is an exciting one, and lots of fun.”
Emporium Repertory Company won’t be missing a trick on the panto magic, engaging the services of West-End choreographer Wilmot Mulley for his 26th panto. Gary Blair will be providing sumptuous set and costume. Together they plan some theatrical magic!

Lucy Bundy plays the Fairy Godmother, although she is more recognisable as her critically acclaimed alter-ego Fake Bush. “I am genuinely thrilled to be involved in such an exciting project,” she says. Joining her in the cast is Nigel Fairs playing Baron Hardup, whose credits include The Moustrap in the West End; newcomer Justine Martin as Cinders, and Kirstie Maginn as the wicked Step-Mother. Three young actresses from Theatre Workshop will share the role of young Cinders during its six-week run.

The Emporium will be creating a winter wonderland in the café including Christmas treats, the best hot chocolate in town, mulled wine, delicious mince pies and visits from a certain jolly fellow all dressed in red. Not only that, the magic of the stage will be flowing out, when the youngest audiences members get the chance to meet Cinders and the cast on special days.

Book now. Tickets start from as little as £9. Emporium operate a system of no booking fees/charges – plus discounts if booked online and in advance.

Cinders, The Emporium, London Road, Brighton,
21 November 2013–4 January 2014. For details and booking please visit:

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