11 February 2014: Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day – ‘Let’s create a better internet together’ (Tuesday 11th February 2014), will focus on creative activity of children and young people online, as well as the role that we all play in helping to create a safer internet.
On Safer Day, local charity Safety Net will visit four Primary schools in Brighton and Hove, delivering fun and interactive internet safety sessions supported by young people from PACA (Portslade Aldridge Community Academy). Children have designed child-friendly informative flyers and bookmarks that they will give to their peers to raise awareness about keeping safe online.
Eleven per cent of Brighton and Hove children responding to a recent survey said that they have experienced online bullying and 25 per cent said that they had seen something online that made them feel unsafe.
Safety Net is joining hundreds of other organisations across the UK in celebrating Safer Internet Day 2014 to promote the safe and responsible use of technology.
To find out more visit www.safety-net.org.uk
Children and young people can also visit www.safetynetkids.org.uk, a website designed by kids for kids, or visit www.saferinternet.org.uk