Try A New Class: Kemp Town’s Pilates in Brighton

Was one of your new year goals to try a new fitness class? It’s the perfect way to kickstart your year. Here at Wave, we’ve been trying different classes from Aqua Zumba to Bokwa. But in the quest for a fitter body, we realised it was good to go right back to basics: taking care of the body, and there is no better place for this than at Kemp Town’s Pilates In Brighton.
Beginner classes suit all ages and abilities; it’s especially beneficial to those recovering from injury and recommended Pilates by their doctor. Another great example is an 80-year old member who follows in the footsteps of Bruce Forsyth. Our favourite presenter Brucie does stretching and exercise every day, keeping him fitter than many men half his age, so a bit of Pilates can’t hurt!
A Pilates session led by the lovely owner Carolyn is the perfect way to make you think about your posture, strengthening the core and becoming fitter. Sign us up now! For those who are already in love with Pilates, holidays and retreats are also available. Visit to find out more.
Meanwhile, we sent our intern Savina along to Revitalise in Hove to experience Ashtanga Yoga for the very first time. See what she thought at