Stage: Creative Minds

Learning disabled arts debated at Creative Minds – a one day conference from Brighton arts organsiation Carousel

“Historically, disability arts have seen a surge of support and a wider acceptance within the arts and cultural sector. This has been a great step forward in terms of equality and promoting the diversity of the artistic community, but learning disabled art has yet to enjoy that same equality,” says Mark Richardson, artistic director of Carousel.

Challenging perceptions and encouraging debate, Creative Minds presents a one day conference to raise the voices of learning disabled artists and support them in being heard by arts critics, venue programmers, funders and academics.

Chaired by Matthew Hellett of the committee of learning disabled artists behind Creative Minds, the conference is designed to confront perceptions and encourage debate about definitions of quality in learning disabled arts practice. It wants to widen the net of audiences who see this work, valuing it for what it is – work that can be of a high quality. The day includes performance, film and visual arts, offering attenders the chance to see and then discuss a variety of artforms. Anyone interested in finding a critical language for learning disabled art is welcome. You can join the conversation now, on the website, and then follow Creative Minds as it travels around the country.

For further information and book tickets at
Monday 10 March, 10am–5pm
Brighton Dome, Church Street,
Brighton, BN1 1UD.

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