Wave: Keeping your health on track

Nuffield Brighton

Hello again from Carolyn Render, Victoria Mayes, Martina Bisping, Chris Rosam and Owen Harris – the physiotherapy team at the Nuffield Brighton, and welcome to our Brighton Marathon advice column. Last month we invited anyone taking part to email us their questions, we had a great response and below we answer a few of them. Keep them coming though as we will be doing this in Latest 7 right up until the Marathon. Remember to pick up a copy and see if we addressed your issue.

We are also delighted to offer a 20% off discount off any physiotherapy session in the run up to the Brighton Marathon. All you have to do is call 01273 627011 and quote “BRIGHTON 20” to us to qualify.

Over to you and your questions now.

How can I avoid and treat muscle cramps? M.M
Unfortunately some people are just more prone to this than others. Firstly make sure you are following a recognised training plan, which gradually increases your distance. Secondly make sure you are not dehydrated; take on fluids which include electrolytes, for example sports drinks (not tea and coffee) before, during and after your runs. If you are still experiencing a problem, stop and stretch for a minute during a run if cramp feels like it is developing or decrease your speed slightly.

Can I train for a marathon on a treadmill? S.R
Specific training is always ideal, meaning that your training should be specific to your goal. It is possible to do some of your training on the treadmill, but advisable that most is done in the setting you aim to perform, so in the case of the marathon outdoors on concrete and tarmac surfaces.

Should I take salt before long run/marathon? S.R
Salt is an electrolyte which is lost during sweating, so it is a good idea to replace it (alongside water) before, during and after long runs. Be guided by the instructions on the sports drinks/gels for intake, and do make sure you try out during training to check how your body responds to them, and not just on the big day.
Why am I gaining weight during marathon training? L.F
Muscle is denser and therefore heavier than fat. You are slowly building muscle bulk and burning off fat. However, a lot of runners can tend to overcompensate their efforts and end up taking on more calories than they are using up (post run recovery drinks, increased meal sizes, snacking). Also if you are loading up on carbohydrates your body will also retain more water (which is useful to do in the short period before your big race/long runs) but will also have the result in increasing your weight.

Are you running the Marathon? If you have any questions you would like to ask our team of expert physiotherapists please email editorial@thelatest.co.uk with the subject line as Ask Nuffield. We will be printing and answering your questions in our column, out in Latest 7 on the last Tuesday of every month.

If you have a problem which requires Physiotherapy (assessment, treatment or advice) please do not hesitate to contact us on 01273 627011. Nuffield Brighton, Warren Road, BN2 6DX.

Nuffield Brighton, the city’s most trusted and established private hospital, commits itself to delivering exceptional healthcare from Sussex’s leading medical consultants, who are complemented by a recent £7million refurbishment to provide the most up to date technological medical equipment to deliver fast, effective and efficient treatments. Our patient rooms with en-suite facilities offer hotel standard accommodation and all our staff are highly trained with an overall aim of creating a caring environment to encourage a speedy recovery and patient wellbeing.

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