Competitions: Win 4 tickets to Eternal Love opening night

Win an exciting opportunity to attend the opening night of the funny, passionate and legendary love story Eternal Love. Fresh from a triumphant season at Shakespeare’s Globe, this acclaimed performance is now coming to Theatre Royal Brighton – complete with stunning costumes and compelling live music.
The story follows Abelard as he embarks on a wild affair with his brilliant student Heloise, giving his enemies the perfect pretext to destroy him. Already on thin ice with the church over his contentious views, Abelard’s situation gets even hairier when Heloise falls pregnant with his child, and their love affair becomes the scandal of the age. The performance runs from Tues 1 – Sat 5 April.
To win the tickets, just tell us:
Who does Abelard fall in love with?
To be in with a chance to win, email with the name of the competition in the subject box and your answer to the question in the body of the email. Alternatively, write to us at the address at the front of the magazine. Don’t forget to give your name, address and telephone number.
Closing date for entries: Monday 24 March 2014.