Brighton’s Royal Pavilion to host England’s first same-sex marriage

Brighton and Hove is readying itself to host the country’s first same-sex marriage.

At just after midnight tonight (Friday March 28) Andrew Wale and Neil Allard will tie the knot in the music room of the Royal Pavilion.

Media from across the globe – as well as our city’s very own Latest TV – are expected to cover the special day, which has been made possible in England and Wales after a change in the law thanks to years of campaigning.

Andrew, who lives in the city with his partner, said: “As our wedding day draws closer, we become even more aware of how lucky we are to live in a comparatively tolerant part of the world.

“While we were having our picture taken by a press photographer the other day in front of the Pavilion, the usual crowds of tourists, students and locals came and went.

“It must have been obvious to anyone that we were a couple; we held hands, hugged each other and looked in to each other’s smiling eyes.

“All the reactions from this parade of strangers were either indifferent or positive – some young people put their thumbs up and shouted “Cheese!”, some asked if they could have their photo taken with us – lots of smiles, lots of warmth.”

Andrew and Neil will be the first of five couples to marry in the city on the first day the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act comes into effect.

They won the right after a competition by Brighton and Hove City Council.

Andrew and Neil’s ceremony will also be the first ever held in the music room of the regal palace.

Councillor Leo Littman said: “I’d like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to all the same sex couples who are getting married on this historic occasion.

“Like so many others, they’ve been waiting for the law to give them the right to do something which heterosexual couples have always been able to take for granted.

“Now that this right has been extended to same-sex couples, I hope that many more people will choose our city as the place to tie the knot.”

Trevor Love, the council’s senior ceremonies registrar, said: “This will be a momentous and historic day for the Registration Service in England and Wales, and for all of those couples making their marriage vows together.

“Brighton and Hove is a popular location for ceremonies and we have been busy keeping people up to date with the latest news about the introduction of same sex marriage.

“It is wonderful to see this law change being welcomed so enthusiastically in the city.”

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