Brighton Singers, Alexander Eadon (organ) Katie Thomas (conductor)

This programme of Eastern European music was both fascinating and varied. The first half was sandwiched by two contrasting organ works, Arvo Pärt’s ‘Annum per annum’ and Georgi Mushel’s exuberant Toccata. The choir sang in Polish four charming folk songs, Henryk Górecki’s ‘Kurpian Songs’ op.75. Then followed Dvořák’s beautiful ‘Four Choruses’ op.29, earnestly sung in Czech.

Part two was Hungarian Zoltán Kodály expansive ‘Missa Brevis’. The choir was much more at ease singing the familiar Latin words. Fine tuning was an issue in some higher passages with the organ, alas, not yet fully recovered from serious fire and water damage.

St Paul’s Church, 29 March 2014


Andrew Connal

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