Behind the scenes of Latest TV with Richard Shayler

What a drag

Well this week really dragged… I’m not talking about a slow and tedious amount of passing time I’m talking about the annual Easter Bonnet Parade at The Bedford Arms of course! The event saw drag queens and kings a plenty involved in races up and down the street. Richard Shayler and Val Aviv dragged themselves out of bed (sorry!) on Easter Sunday to see what all the fuss was about. They witnessed some impressive Easter bonnets and scooped an exclusive interview with the winner to boot! She looked great in an outfit predominantly made out of rubber gloves. It needs to be seen to be believed. Check it out online now! She described her mood as eggstatic, she thought it was an eggcellent idea to compete again next year and when asked if she’d make any awful Easter puns she said normally she wouldn’t but would make an eggception for Latest TV. What a good egg!

Later in the week Richard and Paula went down to The Black Rock Site by the Marina to find out about all things sand. The Sand Sculpture Festival Brighton is back and it’s better than ever. They’ve split the site into different continents of sand sculptures. One minute you’re va va vooming your way past the Eiffel Tower and the next you’re having a nice day sashaying your way through New York! The sculptures are truly unbelievable and Latest TV got a chance to learn how to do it from master sculptor and CBBC’s ‘Deadly Arts’ presenter Nicola Wood. Richard informed Nicola he had the art skills of a baked potato but would give it his best shot. Afterwards Nicola did say she thought Richard gave it his best shot but was in agreement that his level of artistic skill was on the baked potato end. The great news from the shoot is that Richard only got sand in his shoes… Or so he says!?

Life will hopefully now be a beach for the winner of Young Start-up Talent, the finals were held this week and Latest TV were there to get all the action. We saw some really amazing young entrepreneurs with some equally amazing ideas. There was liquid tea, natural juices and music memory boxes. If I was on the judging panel I would have let them all win! But I wasn’t, so there was only one winner scooping an amazing £50,000 investment for their business. I won’t ruin the surprise… You’ll have to check online to see who won for yourself.

On the news front, Tim “scoop a day” Ridgway literally stumbled on the news when he was out doing a piece on the Edward Street bus and cycle lane.

As he was all geared up to shoot construction workers laying the next piece of concrete in the £1 million scheme, our man Tim nearly dropped his camera when ten emergency vehicles descended on the area. At first Tim thought someone had mistaken the camera for something more conspicuous; but it turned out there was a serious incident to be dealt with.

And be the true pro, Tim switched his attentions to get every single shot of the breaking incident. Elsewhere, the hidden gem of Preston Manor was the backdrop to a series of programmes shot by Tim and Will.

Thanks to the generosity of Brighton and Hove City Council’s museums team, they had a behind the scenes tour of the charming historic house which has remained unaltered since it was handed over to the city in the 1930s. With Edwardian gentlemen leading tours and ghosts aplenty, it was not a place for the faint hearted – but our boys made it through.

Expect to hear all about the tale on Latest TV when it comes to your TV screens in July on Freeview Channel 8.
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