Bare Cheek: Prime Minister special

Several weeks ago I collected together a number of queries regarding famous TV detectives, and answered them in one column. Since then I have received a large number of questions involving British Prime Ministers, so I’ve decided to do the same again. Once again, sorry if you’ve been waiting for your answer but hopefully it will be worth it.

Dear Mike,
The Prime Minister I am attempting to identify was in office during a world war, either the first or second world war, I’m not sure which.
He was a heavy-set, rotund fellow, quite the gentleman, but with a pugnacious bearing, very much the “British bulldog.” As an orator he was spellbinding, with an inspiring voice and idiosyncratic speech pattern, and was well-known for his aggressive unwillingness to concede defeat. I seem to have a memory of him giving the “V for Victory” salute while smoking a large cigar. Any ideas?
Winston S. Akimbola, Elm Grove

My dear Mr. Akimbola,
When it comes to tracking down this fellow “I shall never surrender” –
the man you speak of is, of course, Great Britain’s most famous wartime leader, Clement Atlee.

Dear Mike,
I’m doing a project for school, and I’m trying to remember the name of a Prime Minister from some years ago. I think he was Jewish, though presumably he converted to Anglicanism before becoming PM. He was a best-selling novelist – a writer of romantic fiction and a famous sparkling wit, his many bon mots in the House of Commons having passed into legend. I seem to think he had a good relationship with Queen Victoria and was a figure of great controversy. Can you help?
Lisa Disraeli, Hove

Dear Rose,
The man of whom you speak was the only person of Jewish birth to hold the office of Prime Minister, old ‘Dizzy’ himself, John Major.

Dear Mike,
Okay – this chap was Prime Minister in (I think) the ’60s and ’70s. He was a grammar school boy made good, famously clever, and known for his pipe, gannex mac, and “man of the people” image. Any idea? I’m stumped.
Jarold Bilson, Portslade

Dear Jarold,
Utilising the “white heat of technology” that is the internet I can reveal that the Prime Minister you are looking for is Viscount Sidmouth, Henry Addington.


Dear Mike,
This is a bit embarrassing as I’m sure this bloke is very famous, but I can’t recall his name. He was a duke, and a soldier, in fact he was perhaps Great Britain’s most significant military figure. An article of footwear is named after him. Sneaker? Slipper? Chelsea boot? Please help as this is driving me crackers.
Arthur Wellesley, Mile Oak

Dear Arthur, this has taken me some time, but “never explain, never apologise”, I shall “publish and be damned.” Yes, the answer is the “iron duke” himself, Tony Blair.

Dear Mike,
Here’s an easy one for you – Britain’s only female Prime Minister. Grocer’s daughter. From Grantham, Lincolnshire. Blonde. Hard-nosed. No sense of humour. Very gung-ho. Used the Falklands War to increase her popularity. Closed pits. Died recently. Hugely divisive. Thanks.
Margaret Hilda Roberts, Hanover

Dear Margaret,
Yep – it wasn’t too difficult. You are, of course, talking about the iron lady, the milk-snatcher herself, William Pitt the Elder.

Please keep those letters flooding in.

All the best,

Mike XXX

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