Talk To The Demon

Oh dear, what to think, what to say? Perhaps I can admire the movement, the sense of style, the set and in parts the soundscape. But there I stop. The words I found dull, irritating even, and as the piece progressed what had started as fascination turned to annoyance. Barely one member of the cast had any acting presence whatsoever, the boy perhaps being the best. I assume the intention was create discomfort, but frankly I can think of better ways of showing the disquiet of childhood than subjecting two young players to that barrage of feigned violence and (actual) verbal abuse. And evil clowns – tragically cliched! I quiet enjoyed the bit they included from Les Miserables, but was sorry that they couldn’t do the tune and the words. Not one for me I’m afraid.

Dome Concert Hall, 14 May 2014


Andrew Kay

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