Benjamin Appl (baritone) & James Baillieu (piano)

In ‘To the distant beloved’, the very first and Beethoven’s only song-cycle, James Baillieu and German baritone Benjamin Appl sensitively explored the romantic condition. The poet-lover encounters loss, longing and eventual attainment. Their quest continued through four contrasting Schubert songs and the 16 songs of Schumann’s ‘Dichterliebe’, reaching some fulfilment in the encore ‘Du bist wie eine Blume’, where Schumann seems to have found love at last!

Appl has a light baritone with adequate strength in the lower notes and a top range that is quite glorious. He made the perfect romantic lead and Baillieu beautifully enhanced his every nuance.

Studio Theatre, Brighton Dome, 20 May 2014


Andrew Connal

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