Natalie Haynes and Lindsey Davis: Fate, Revenge and Furies

A lively and witty debate on the fascination that writers and readers have for the ancient world in literature. Classicist and now novelist Natalie Haynes, together with the immensely popular historical novelist Lindsey Davis, whose Falco books are adored by fans of historical and detective fiction alike, explored their careers as writers within the genre and how they’ve fashioned their material to satisfy the crime fan’s love of a good mystery. Haynes argued, convincingly, that Greek tragedy can claim to be the true source of murder/detective fiction. The Q&A contained much genuinely useful advice for any writers in the audience. Davis’ curt dismissal of the ‘write about what you know’ dogma drew a cheer from your reviewer!

Brighton Dome Studio Theatre, 24 May 2014


Gary Mepsted

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