
With the rise of circus as an ‘acceptable’ art form comes a rise in expectations. No longer do we feel satisfied with mere circus skills, we now seem to want intellectual content too, or so it would seem. Sinué certainly delivered in terms of skills. Their high octane performance was full of breathtaking stuff, and their material was balanced with plenty of humour to match the dark danger. But beyond that, I was unsure what the message might be, if of course there was a message. Monkey-like, child-like, they swung through virtual forest, but why then do they end up playing on a rolling rosa-scape? It was also slow to start; at times the pace dipped, and not to great effect. Despite all this, Sinué gave an exciting and entertaining performance that at its best was very impressive indeed.

Brighton Dome Concert Hall, 22 May 2014


Andrew Kay

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