Cherry tree at Hove Museum to be felled as part of tearoom expansion

A historic cherry tree will have to be felled as a “quintessential” English tearoom at Hove Museum is expanded.

Brighton and Hove City Council’s planning committee approved proposal to construct a patio at the side of the Victorian villa in New Church Road.

Despite some local opposition, it was agreed the proposal was needed to make the free museum more financially-viable.

When complete, it will be operated by Peyton and Byrne, which also cater at the Royal Academy of Arts and Kew.

Writing on his blog, ward councillor Graham Cox said: “The preparation work for the patio has now started. It has been found that the cherry tree sited close to the Museum is diseased and will need to be removed – yes on the dreaded ‘elfensafety’ grounds.

“We know many people will be disappointed by this news so we are happy to report that a cherry tree will be planted in close proximity to the existing tree as a replacement for the diseased tree.

“Even better this will not be a new tree as such. The intention is to source as mature a cherry tree as possible so it is almost a like for like replacement.

“Thank you to the museum team for listening to us on this.”

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