Firefighters to visit Brighton Marina for Boat Safety Week

Firefighters will be giving advice to boat owners and berth users at Brighton Marina as part of Boat Safety Week.

Crews from Roedean and Preston Circus fire stations are due at the marina today (Saturday 31 May) to speak to those who live there or visit.

The awareness campaign is supported by Brighton Yacht Club, the Brighton Marina security team, Premium Moorings, Nielson Active Holidays and the Brighton Marina Berth Holders Association.

East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said that its top ten safety tips were

Barbecues shouldn’t be used on boats – hot charcoal gives off dangerous amounts of carbon monoxide (CO) and blown embers could set your boat alight.
Keep cabin ventilation clear to prevent a build-up of toxic CO.
Ensure all hobs have shut-off or isolation valves.
Use a trained marine electrician to install and service electrics.
Store gas cylinders outside, in a self-draining and fire resistant locker. Keep them upright and secured from moving.
Only carry spare petrol if necessary and store it in a self-draining locker or on open deck.
Don’t go to sea without a VHF radio. Have a charged up, hand-held, waterproof one ready for use at any time.
Check extinguishers on a regular basis for serious dents, leaks and loss of pressure.
Have enough lifejackets for everyone on board, and keep them in good condition.
Make sure people know how to close emergency valves and switches in case of fire.

More advice can be found at

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