New political party to hold inaugural meeting in Brighton

A new political party, Left Unity, is to hold an inaugural public meeting in Brighton on Tuesday (3 June) at 7.30pm.

The meeting, at the Friends Meeting House in Ship Street, Brighton, will hear from the national secretary of the new party, Kate Hudson.

Left Unity was set up last November. It said that it already had more than 2,000 members and 50 branches throughout the country.

Pip Tindall, secretary of the Brighton and Hove Left Unity branch, said: “In 1945 millions of Britons voted for a new, more equal society.

“Yet in under a lifetime we see our governments dismantling the welfare state and selling off the public services we all rely on, with virtually no opposition.

“All the main parties prefer to blame the poor and migrants, rather than admit that putting profit before people is destroying our society.

“We need to challenge that view.”

The party said that Left Unity had been formed to provide an alternative for those currently unrepresented by the austerity politics of the main parties.

It stood for equality and common ownership, services run for public need rather than private greed, and to restore the rights of ordinary people to housing, healthcare, education, employment, justice and social security.

Brighton and Hove Left Unity chairman Andy Richards said: “This is a new kind of party, with feminism, socialism and environmentalism at its heart.

“It’s a party that supports the campaigns and struggles of ordinary people for public services, for equality and for real democracy.”

The meeting is open to anyone wanting to know more about the new party.

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