Comedy: Lou Sanders

Lou Sanders brings her Edinburgh preview to town and explains a bit about it to Victoria Nangle

Hiya Lou, how are you?
Marvellous, thank you. I hope you are well too.

Looking forward to seeing the preview of your new and marvellous show. Any hints as to what we might expect in it?
It’s really a platform to promote my calendar work. I’m bringing out a calendar promoting fruit and veg. The show is also quite heavy on the erotic.
I am publishing some erotic fiction. Finally.

I thoroughly enjoyed your use of a paddling pool and ladder previously. What props might we expect this time around?
I’m scaling back on the props – going bigger on the jokes. And of course calendars. And of course eroticism. I can’t carry too many props because I will be carrying 16,000 calendars to sell.

Some have described your shows as almost ‘performance comedy’, as you play around with format in a very fun way. What would you say to that?
I think they actually said ‘what a performance’!

You are part of the new wave of ‘alternative comedy’ – as affirmed by your upcoming appearance on Stewart Lee’s Alternative Comedy Experience. Why do you think now has become the time when people have started pushing boundaries again?
I think people just do what they find funny. Sometimes after a while in comedy you get bored of watching it and sometimes even doing it, so you want to do something else with it. But ultimately, I guess people are doing what they want and there’s a market for all kinds of shit.

If you could be in an adventure book of old, what would be your pirate name, your actual treasure, and where would you hide it?
My pirate name is Karate Piraté.
My treasure is my heart and I hide it in my pants.

What are your ambitions for the rest of 2014?
Just trying, one day at a time, not to get pregnant.

You’ve come to the seaside – tuck into a fish dinner! What is your favourite kind of fish to eat?
I’m vegetarian, so the fake fish, or sometimes I eat mussels as they haven’t got eyes.

Thank you very much for taking the time to chat. Wishing you a marvellous rest of your day.
You too!

Lou Sanders with support from Caroline Mabey, Caroline Of Brunswick,
Sat 7 June, 7.45pm, £6.50/5

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