Free parking on Sundays to be considered by Brighton and Hove councillors

Brighton and Hove councillors are decide whether to allow drivers to park for free on Sundays.

They will debate three options at a meeting of the Brighton and Hove City Council Policy and Resources Committee next week.

The three options are

  • Free parking both on and off street on Sundays
  • Partial free parking on Sundays, including an extension of the lower rate winter season from four to six months – 1 October to 31 March
  • Referring alternative suggestions for parking charges to an end-of-year annual review

The council said: “The cost to the council of providing free Sunday parking is estimated to be £2.6 million each year and an additional £1.035 million one-off funds to implement.

“With such measures the report notes that there is a risk of potential additional congestion and reduction in air quality, which might make Brighton and Hove less attractive as a destination.”

It also said: “Parking management, including the charging structure, plays a key part in handling the wider traffic demand and easing the pressure on parking.

“Enforcement of parking controls also helps improve road safety and accessibility.

“An effective parking charges structure supports the economy by encouraging turnover and reducing congestion, increasing footfall and spend.

Councillor Jason Kitcat

Councillor Jason Kitcat

A report to the committee outlines how on Sundays during the summer months city centre and seafront car parks fill up quickly.

“Pressure on parking on a busy weekend is sometimes higher than at other times during the week.”

Council leader Jason Kitcat, the chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee, said: “Brighton and Hove is one of the busiest tourist destinations in the UK, with our economy outperforming the region and shop vacancies far below London’s rate.”

Councillor Kitcat said: “Offering free parking on a Sunday is likely to create more congestion and actually make it harder for those driving to find a parking space.

“That would have a negative impact on our economy.

“Retail research shows that parking controls encourage a turnover of customers that benefits nearby shops.

“Offering free parking on-street would also mean residents would find it harder to park near where they live.

“We will need to consider these significant impacts when deciding whether to adjust charges and the report recommends looking at Sunday parking as part of the annual review of all parking charges.

“We have to balance the needs of residents and visitors and support measures that make it easier to travel around the city with people using a variety of transport options.”

The council said that options in the annual review could include promotional rates at Norton Road, London Road and Oxford Court car parks where demand is low on a Sunday.

Calls for the council to look at free parking on a Sunday were brought to the council meeting in March through a petition.

Councillors decided to consider the issue more fully at the Policy and Resources Committee and look at options for free and reduced parking charges on a Sunday.

The Policy and Resources Committee meeting is due to be held at Hove Town Hall on Thursday 12 June. To read the report, click here.

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