Werewolf Erotica She Wrote

A great title is often the mark of a mediocre show, but that is emphatically not the case with Mathilda Gregory’s brilliantly-named, and wickedly funny Werewolf Erotica She Wrote which tells the tale of Gregory’s semi-accidental arrival in the world of literary paranormal porn, via stand-up comedy and common-or-garden (albeit disability-themed) literary erotica. With only a microphone, a podium, and a few props (including a large, golden award the shape of which you can probably surmise) Gregory delivers a show that is lewd, punchy, and witty, without ever being crude. The likeable Gregory is ably assisted by local actor and bon vivant, Ross Gurney Randall, whose readings of the aforementioned lycanthropic smut are a particular highlight.

Caxton Arms, 31 May 2014
[Rating: 4/5]
Joseph Nixon

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