Tuneyards – Nikki Nack (4AD)

Opening track ‘Find A New Way’ is about ‘finding a new way to sing’, and in the hands of Merrill Garbus it seems that she has found the way, albeit one that has been conjured up from deep within her primal psyche, such is the esoteric sounds that emanate from her mouth. Moreover, this mad-as-a-box-of-frogs-legs ‘tune’ is a lo-fi, cluster funk of a song, where nothing fits, but somehow feels (almost) right… A less abrasive MIA springs to mind, but without the urban cool, and hip hop depth. Instead, and as always, Garbus wholeheartedly wears her ultra liberal upbringing and art school credentials on her sleeve, almost as if this mid-thirties woman had not left behind the experimental domain of art education. She is still there, as it were, and is really getting crazily indulgent.

Co-written and co-produced with Nate Brenner (who also plays bass here), it’s a Marmite record, whose musical sounds may not make sense at first, even if at all; but for those whom this does speak to, it’s a work of true artist. Despite the seemingly random changes in direction in almost each and very song, the utterly childlike vocal gymnastics, and the sometimes naive lyrical sentiments, it’s definitely a highly unique work, and a record that somehow does flow without jarring. There are even strong hints of a more classically structured approach to songwriting, such as on the slowed down blues vibe of ‘Look Around’, where she is suddenly calm, and comfortably in control. But it’s a rarity; the paint splattering music may not make much sense, but it does kinda work! There is, it seems, method within the madness, and if you can also get over her voice, also an acquired taste, then you’ll love this. And live, I imagine it all makes total sense…


Jeff Hemmings

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