Police raid three addresses in one Brighton street for drugs

Two women were arrested when Sussex Police carried out drugs raids at three properties in the same Brighton street this morning (Wednesday 11 June).

The raids took place at 7am when warrants issued under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 were executed in Moulsecoomb Way, Brighton.

More than 20 officers and a police dog trained to sniff out drugs took part involved in the raids.

The police seized quantities of what are believed to be class A and B drugs, comprising white powder and herbal cannabis, as well as cash and drug-related paraphernalia.

Two women aged 61 and 41 were arrested on suspicion of having drugs with intent to supply. They are currently in custody for interview and further inquiries.

Inspector Roy Apps said: “This operation was necessary as information regarding the unlawful supply of drugs could not be ignored.

“Substance misuse is dangerous and those supplying need to be tracked down and stopped.

“This is a positive step towards reducing the amount of drugs on our streets and will hopefully deter others from engaging in drug supply.”

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