Public views wanted on plans to spruce up Brighton park

A popular Brighton park is to be restored to its Georgian grandeur – with the help and input of members of the public.

Queen’s Park was once the playground of the rich but for more than 100 years has been owned by the people of Brighton and Hove.

Now the local community has the opportunity to help shape future improvements and preserve the park’s heritage for future generations.

After working with the Friends of Queens Park, residents and local landscape architect Tom Hardiment to develop proposals, Brighton and Hove City Council is now looking for views from members of the public.

Councillor Pete West, chairman of the environment and sustainability committee, said: “Queens Park is extremely popular and it is important that we develop a Masterplan with the community who play such a big part in looking after it.

“Residents feel passionate about the park and their input will ensure this special place continues to be a haven for both people and wildlife for years to come.”

Queens Park was developed by Thomas Attree who bought the land, then known as Brighton Park, in 182.

He developed it into a residential open space with villas, inspired by Regent’s Park in London, and a spa opened there the same year.

Attree renamed it Queens Park after Queen Adelaide, consort of William IV, as she was a regular visitor to the spa.

That site is now occupied by the Royal Spa nursery school.

Comments on the Masterplan will be accepted until July 23.

Among the changes include carrying out restoration work, opening up views and upgrading lighting.

Once complete in January, it will be used to guide the day-to-day management and maintenance of the par.

It would also form the basis to apply for external funding to complete some of the more significant works.

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