The Polyphonic Spree

After six years the Spree are back.
Famed for bright, breezy anthemic tunes, the Texan collective returned to the UK to showcase their latest album.
Self-funded through Kickstarter, tracks from Yes, It’s True maintained the bouncy and adolescent appeal that has kept the Spree alive in fan’s hearts despite their notable absence from these shores.
It was a performance of amazement – for a start, how did they cram 15 musicians onto a tiny stage, why were they introduced by a pirate and how did they capture an orb brighter than the sun.
All failed to overshadow a minor gripe of booming bass masking the intricate wind riffs too often.
But when your having that much fun, does it really matter?

Concorde II, 11 June 2014


Tim Ridgway

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