Behind the scenes of Latest TV with Jay Legate

Foal weather

Now, for most people bank holidays mean their Sunday evening isn’t tainted by the looming dread of a Monday morning, when they’re savouring every last moment before the weekend is officially over. Instead, a bank holiday means relaxation, space and endless possibilities.

Not for the guys at Latest Sport, oh no! Our commitment to the cause meant that we were awoken at the ripe old time of 4.30am to begin filming Penny Sangster, a professional event rider and equestrian coach. Personally, I’m not sure I’d even seen a clock at that time of the morning before, but there’s a first time for everything!

‘Why?’ Might be the question that springs to mind – well, Penny is just one female coach we are tracking as part of our investigation into a scheme designed to get more women into sports coaching. Project 500 aims to recruit 500 female coaches across the seven South East counties between April 2013 and March 2015.

Project 500 is a scheme organised by Sports Coach UK who are working in partnership with County Sport Partnerships other sporting governing bodies. The idea is to address the imbalance between the number of female coaches compared to male coaches and increase female participation in sport.

Latest Sport accompanied Penny as she competed in the Borde Hill Show Jumping Trials. Before we go any further, let’s not forget how awfully dismal the weather was last bank holiday Monday!

So there’s Joseph and I, in a field, with a camera, in the rain, wearing trainers. I didn’t think that last one was such a big deal but how those Borde Hill regulars laughed when they saw us city boys and our footwear!

It seems the rain worked for Penny however, all three of the horses she took to the competition placed second in their categories, I’d like to think we had something to do with it – perhaps we’re a good luck charm!

Despite the conditions, Penny was pleased with how the day went. She said: “They’re young horses, they’re learning the ropes, they’ve got to learn the ground. The ground is just unforgiving, it was getting worse and worse.“

We’ll be carrying on with our equestrian case study in the next few weeks, where Penny’s coaching will be under the microscope as we find out whether she has to adjust her coaching approach to suit male and female riders. Hopefully next time we’ll be better prepared, firstly the shoes but more importantly for how much poo we saw in such a short space of time.

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