Brighton Green councillor ‘suspends himself’ while Twitter row is investigated

Brighton Green councillor Ben Duncan has suspended himself from the Green group of councillors on Brighton and Hove City Council.

Councillor Duncan is the subject of a disciplinary inquiry by the Brighton and Hove Green Party over a remark that he published on Twitter on Armed Forces Day on Saturday (28 June).

He tweeted: “Armed Forces Day has certainly brought the hired killers onto the streets of Brighton today. Hard to explain to my son.”

He was widely criticised including by members of his own party.

On Monday (30 June) Councillor Duncan tweeted: “Apols for offence caused by tweet re soldiers on streets. Many will have been remembering loved ones who died & was insensitive to their loss.”

On Tuesday (1 July) the local party website carried a statement which said: “In light of the Twitter comments made by Councillor Ben Duncan on Saturday, the Green Party of Brighton and Hove has this morning started a formal disciplinary process.

“The Brighton and Hove Green Party executive this morning decided that disciplinary proceedings were justified and will report any outcomes in due course. A panel will now be formed to determine what, if any, further action is warranted.”

And yesterday (Wednesday 2nd July) an update added: “Ben Duncan has suspended himself from the Green group pending the outcome of the disciplinary inquiry, saying: ‘I think it’s important, both for the Green group and for me personally, that, pending the outcome of the panel hearings, I am removed from the picture, politically.’”

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