Should Brighton Pride-goers be charged £5 for street party?

The organisers of Brighton Pride have introduced ticketing for this year’s Pride Street Party in St James’s Street.

It is hoped the £5 charge for a wristband will mean a smaller, more manageable and safer gathering.

But as the big celebration comes closer, people are unclear if everyone will obey the instructions.

Last year about 30,000 people flocked to the enclosed confines of St James’ Street for the Gay Village Party.

But this year only those who pay for a wristband will be allowed entry to use the pubs, bars and clubs.

Alcohol purchases in the St James’ Street and Marine Parade will also be restricted from 4pm.

Paul Kemp, of Brighton Pride, said a similar move at Preston Park had seen antisocial behaviour drop by 50 per cent.

But not everyone agrees as Jav Douglas of Latest TV discovered.

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