Air ambulance crew thanks masons for donating more than £300k

An air ambulance crew thanked Sussex freemasons for donating more than £300,000 to the life-saving charity.

The thank you came as the chairman of the trustees for the Sussex Masonic Charities Colin Scourfield handed over their latest donation – two cheques totalling £14,000.

Mr Scourfield was visiting one of the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance bases when he handed over £4,000 from the Freemasons Grand Charity and £10,000 from Sussex Masons.

KSS Air Ambulance chief executive Adrian Bell said: “We are extremely grateful for the very significant amount of money that the Sussex Masonic Charities have raised for us over the years.

“We appreciate the huge amount of hard work that they put into raising this money and thank them sincerely for their continued support.”

Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance doctor Anthony Hudson, pilot Kevin Goddard, Colin Scourfield, chairman of the trustees for Sussex Masonic Charities, and KSS Air Ambulance paramedic Lewis Price

Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance doctor Anthony Hudson, pilot Kevin Goddard, Colin Scourfield, chairman of the trustees for Sussex Masonic Charities, and KSS Air Ambulance paramedic Lewis Price

He said that freemasons in Sussex had donated more than £300,000 to the air ambulance, which serves an area that includes Brighton and Hove, since the service started flying in the area in 2007.

Mr Scourfield and his wife Maureen were joined by David Maynard, secretary of the Sussex 4 Sussex appeal for the masonic charity.

Mr Scourfield said: “It was a delight to be able to witness at first hand the total dedication, commitment and precision that is the hallmark of the KSS Air Ambulance operation in saving lives.

“To be able to speak with the crew and feel their enthusiasm for their work was an experience not to be forgotten.

“The freemasons of Sussex are so pleased to be able to assist this wonderful charity and I know they will continue to provide support for a long time to come through the generosity of Sussex Masonic Charities.”

The KSS Air Ambulance was the first in the country to operate the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service 24 hours a day.

The night service responds to an average of one to two medical emergencies every night as well as the four to six missions that they attend during the day.

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