“Park illegally and we will tow you away”: Sussex Police issue warning in Brighton’s Preston Park

Illegal parking in the area near Brighton’s Preston Park has become so bad that locals have called in Sussex Police.

With dangerously parked vehicles impeding pedestrians on junctions and also creating blind spots for other road users, politicians locally have been receiving plenty of complaints.

And with some motorists reporting their vehicles have been criminally damaged, it has been decided there is only one way to sort it.

With the backing of Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne, an initiative is underway in the ward to warn offending vehicle owners.

Those repeatedly offending could be fined or have their vehicles towed away.

Locals have also reported dangerously parked vehicles have been subject to criminal damage.

Sussex Police is now deploying covert patrols to deter and/or apprehend offenders.

This initiative was launched after the intervention of Lee Wares, Conservative candidate for the area at next year’s local elections.

Latest TV’s Jav Douglas reports.

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