Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Julian Kuerti (conductor), Alexander Romanovsky (piano)

Borodin’s ‘Prince Igor Overture’ was a sweet opener, with mellifluous flute and stirring strings setting a strong standard for the evening. Shostakovich’s Piano Concerto no. 2 was truly stunning however, with some delicate bassoon in the first movement leading into a transcendent second movement. Soloist Romaovsky demonstrated sublime timing and poise with unusual timing creating an elegiac, ethereal mood. The moving, swimming second movement perfectly segued into a more buoyant third in a perfectly constructed contrast. The Tchaikovsky Symphony no. 5 was exciting and executed with bombastic aplomb but it sadly lacked the depth and profundity of the Shostakovich performance.

Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 15 November 2014


Joe Fuller

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