Brighton Lights: Richard Shayler

A good moan

Richard Shayler: complaints culture, what’s all the fuss about?
People like to complain. No, scrap that. People LOVE to complain. “My soup was cold; the stuffed peppers weren’t stuffed enough; once I popped, I in fact did want to stop; the tin of beans was not baked enough for my liking; I am unsure as to whether this chocolate bar is actually from Mars. Well, I am not having it! I must tell someone about the physical and mental anguish this insignificant issue has caused me!” So off we trot to write a complaint that some poor sap has to filter through and place in the correct complaints pile. The irony of it all is that this poor sap has himself written a complaint about the number of irrelevant complaints he has to deal with!

We never think to compliment or praise, because it’s become a little socially awkward. People get embarrassed. Informing your fellowman what a great job they are doing has almost become a faux pas. But complaining … now we’re talking!

I was at a restaurant recently and a friend of mine ordered the cannelloni. It was awful. It tasted like soggy autumnal leaves finished with a chewing-gum jus. But, he ate it. He ate every last soggy layer of pasta and every last drop of flavourless sauce. He even hoovered up the bark-like chewy bits! I don’t think I could have done it myself.

I got home that evening and started to look up the restaurant’s complaints department on the internet. I began to write my complaint. But, I stopped. I stopped because I thought to myself, who cares? We had a great meal, it was cheap, so what was I expecting? And the staff were all really attentive, caring and funny.

I went full circle; I decided to write them a compliment.

I didn’t mention anything about the food, but I did let them know what a great night I’d had and how excellent their members of staff were. I also commented on the excellent scented hand wash they had in their bathrooms (it was nice and lemony) and the lovely artwork on the walls.

I received a very similar email from a Brighton Lights viewer recently who wanted to tell me how much they enjoyed the show. It was great to have some positive feedback, but what really hit home was knowing that people were watching! So, if you have any thoughts on the show please do email me to let me know Good or bad, sock it to me! Or even better, come and be a part of the live audience, 6.30pm every Tuesday night at the Latest Music Bar.

I could tell you about all the great guests we’ve got on this week, but I’m worried we’ll receive complaints about how good they are … you’ll have to watch to find out, Wednesday to Saturday night at 7pm on Freeview Channel 8, Virgin Media Channel 159 or live online at

Follow me: @latestrichard

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