London Philharmonic Orchestra, Dmitri Berlinsky (violin), Aziz Shokhakimov (conductor)

Shokhakimov held back in Beethoven’s Violin Concerto, bringing out the lyrical and charming more than the heroic. Here was an intimate conversation between soloist, orchestra and conductor. However, drama still came through in Berlinsky’s impressive cadenzas, which demonstrated the height of his powers of musicianship and control.

That restrained, Classical Shokhakimov became a different man for Brahms’ 1st Symphony. He was ever pulling and shaping the sounds, fully confident that the magnificent LPO would follow exactly his sometimes extreme shifts of mood. This characterful performance was a satisfying complement to the Beethoven, very well paced and with a thrilling climax.

Dome Concert Hall, 29 November 2014


Andrew Connal

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