Chic boutique

Spencers was once a cafe, but is now a delightful emporium packed with unique gifts … and coffee!

Joanna Spencer is a bright woman with a good eye. Her cafe, popular and renowned for making great coffee, was doing okay. But in a world where every cafe was claiming to make great coffee and everyone seemed hell bent on opening a coffee shop, she realised it was time to diversify.

Spencers has re-emerged, butterfly like, as a styish gift shop. Inside Joanna has sourced a wide range of delightful gifts for all ages and all pockets – and she still sells that delicious coffee, an organic and sustainable Peruvian blend that she is justifiably proud of. It really is very good.

So what marks Spencers out as being different from the rest? We think the answer lies in the subtle difference between a shop that celebrates the contemproary rather than idolising retro, or as it is so fashionably known, ‘vintage’. Not that the aesthetic totally ignores that look, no, but it does it alongside a range of products and brands that are very much a reflection of the moment and not simply idling in the past.

The range of delicious chocolates is not only tasty and attractively packaged, but they are also unusual; not what we have seen everywhere else. Bright jewel coloured bonbons sit closely by pastel marshmallows – the confection of the moment. They are keenly priced too, a perfect gift choice for a friend or a delightful alternative to a bottle of wine when going to a dinner party.

There are stylish toiletries too, again beautifully packaged and carefully sourced by Joanna – and ideal for both men and women. We loved the shelf filled with tiny baby shoes in unique designs that are guaranteed to put a smile on the faces of new parents, and we suspect would be kept in memory of a baby’s earliest days.

In another cabinet we find beautiful hand made brooches, vibrantly coloured and exquisitely made. Joanna is keen to champion the work of local artists and designers and all around the shop there is evidence of that.

A lampshade is made of immaculately cut and folded paper flowers and a framed picture by the same artists is even more impressive. Opposite, a rack is lined with excellent greeting cards, again unique designs that we have not seen anywhere else – and so sensibly priced, real competition for those high street card shops selling mass produced products for the same price.

There are even gifts for dogs, or should we say dog lovers? Designer coats for pampered pooches that put a big smile on our faces.

That is perhaps what is so charming about Spencers, that it offers a range of well priced gifts that are stylish and affordable and at the same time would satisfy that desire we all have to find something really special.

Joanna has also sourced small jute gift bags, ideal for popping that bijou gift into for those of us who are in a hurry – and how often do we remember that we need a gift at the very last minute? The bags are pretty, and Joanna has put together themed groups of gifts that fit tidily into them if you are in need of help in deciding what to buy and short of time.

There really is a great range, from inexpensive items suitable for kids to buy mum or granny, to statement pieces for more special occasions, or simply to put a splash of excitement into you own life or home. Joanna Spencer has created a delight and is still out there looking for more delights with which to fill her Kemp Town Village emporium.

Spencers is open Tues to Sat 10am – 6pm and in December will be open seven days a week. Friday 28 November is late night Christmas shopping in Kemp Town Village.
Spencers, 95 St George’s Road, Brighton, BN2 1EE, 01273 840309

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