Lib Dems call for cheaper Sunday parking in Brighton and Hove

Liberal Democrat politicians are to ask for cheaper Sunday parking when a Brighton and Hove City Council committee meets on Tuesday (20 January).

They will ask the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee to cut prices by half on street and in council-run car parks.

The Lib Dems are also asking for 7.14 per cent cut in the cost of a residents’ parking permit which is equal to half a day a week.

A deputation, represented by Jeremy Gale, who is standing for the council in Central Hove in May, is due to address the committee.

Mr Gale said that attempts to introduce free Sunday parking – after Lib Dems presented a petition signed by 1,288 people to the full council – were thwarted in June. The Greens and Labour voted down the proposal.

He said that a review of Sunday parking charges was to be looked at in the fees and tariffs annual review. But, he said, it had been dismissed in a report also due to be considered at the committee meeting at Hove Town Hall on Tuesday.

Mr Gale said: “For too long residents and visitors have been subjected to excessive and punitive parking tariffs which not only impact on our local businesses but also hurt those people on lower incomes.

“This punitive approach looks set to continue with the Greens now proposing a jaw-dropping doubling of parking charges.

“While local Lib Dem policy is for free Sunday parking to be introduced across the city, our deputation on Tuesday attempts to find some middle ground.

“We need only look to neighbouring Worthing Borough Council who have slashed their hourly tariff by 40 per cent with staggering results.

“The first months of 2014 saw a 13 per cent increase in customer use compared with the same period in 2013 – equivalent to 42,610 extra visitors.

“I hope that councillors will table an amendment asking for the proposal to be costed out which will allow them to make a full and considered decision.”

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