Stage: Big daddy vs giant haystacks

Now for something a little different – the eccentric Big Daddy vs Giant Haystacks gig is coming to the Rialto on Wednesday 18 February.
Every Saturday between 1976 and 1988, millions of Britons were in the grip of an extraordinary sports phenomenon: watching two fat men pretend to fight. This is their story. This ‘excellent new play’ (British Theatre Guide) was a knockout hit at Edinbugh 2013. Written by Latest’s own cheeky boys Brian Mitchell and Joseph Nixon, starring Ross Gurney-Randall and David Mounfield, this will be their last gig after a four year run.

The team will be donating their share of the income from this final performance to The Brighton Open Air Theatre fund.

Big Daddy vs Giant Haystacks, Weds 18 Feb 2015, 8pm, £10/£8 concessions
The Rialto, 11 Dyke Road, 01273 725230,

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