
The last time I saw Reef play, I was 15 years old at Glastonbury – that was quite the experience and you would think a difficult show to beat. They have been very quiet for a few years, and having been a massive fan it’s always nerve wracking when a great band return from hiatus. Well, the moment Reef came onto the stage the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I had goose bumps all down my arms. If there ever was a comeback tour, this is it! Front man Gary Stringer now sports a dashing beard and his voice is stronger than ever. The set list was a strong mix of all time favourites; ‘Lucky Number’, ‘Place Your Hands’, ‘Give Me Your Love’. They were all there with new songs slotted in. Reef gave their fans everything they could have possibly hoped for and more. Roll on the new album!

Concorde 2, 4 March 2015


Rachel Simm

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