News: Tim Ridgway

This week’s headlines from across the city

Hundreds of jobs are to go as police chiefs announce cuts across Sussex.
The announcement was made this afternoon when bosses revealed their spending plans for the next five years.
The plans will see 500 police officer roles and 200 staff roles cut by the end of 2020 as the force tries to make more than £50 million of savings.
A further 300 posts are also due to go in order to help meet the projected funding gap, which those in charge said was caused by central government budget cuts. Unison reps warned they would put officers under unacceptable stress and undermine public safety.

This weekend saw the biggest event of its kind make a splash in Brighton. Whalefest 2015 is a celebration of all things whales and dolphins – with a serious message behind it all.
Among those speaking are wildlife experts Michela Strachan and Steve Backshall.
Preparations began last week with the installation of a giant whale graveyard near the West Pier. It certainly was an eye-catching way to raise awareness of the event.


One of the city’s most-established voluntary organisations is on the brink – thanks to parking restrictions.
Thousands of people have passed through the doors of Brighton Sea Cadets since it was established.
But new restrictions near its Brewer Street HQ, just off Lewes Road, means the group is spending £2,500 a year on subsidising volunteers’ parking permits.
A request to the council for restricted parking permits for volunteers has been knocked back – with those in charge saying no other group in the city has ever made such a request.
Those at the charitable group will now have to wait until November at the earliest before finding out if town hall bosses will look into the issue city-wide.

Thousands of people are being urged to follow the trend and ditch smoking.
The plea came on No Smoking Day, when new figures revealed more than 2,000 people kicked the habit in our city in the last year.
But what more can be done? Well, when we spoke to experts, they said e-cigarettes were one of the best ways to start.
But if people were serious then it’s worth getting advice from or calling 0300 123 1044.
A new £1.25 million pound travellers site is to opened yesterday (Monday).
West Sussex County Council says it hopes its transit site in Chichester will reduce the number of unauthorised encampments across the area.
Worthing council leader Dan Humphries said he was pleased at the progress. But some have asked if the site – which has nine pitches – is large enough to support the number of groups that visit the area.

When a Brighton landlord received a request to spruce up his property, he could have gone all magnolia.
But Viaduct Road is now a sea of colour after Brighton artist Aroe MSK painted the mural across two house fronts in the street.
Locals are split on whether it’s a good idea.
And Brighton and Hove City Council said it was investigating whether it would be taking any action over the mural.

One of Brighton’s best loved and notorious entertainers has died.
Brian Ralfe lived in the city all his life, and in between serving in the Falklands and standing for election, he put on a host of shows around the city.
But he passed away last week of a suspected heart attack when he was on holiday in Egypt.
A true entertainer, Brian was friend to the stars – such as Eastenders’ June Brown, politicians and entertainers.
He brought a touch of colour to Brighton when homosexuality was illegal. Those who paid tribute to him agreed he will be sadly missed.

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