Adam Ant

The nostalgia train of fan-favourite albums performed in full is a no-brainer for the stars involved (a sold-out Concorde proving the point). Results vary, though, as this rendition of Adam And The Ants’ new wave debut Dirk Wears White Sox showed. Perhaps an unfinished product and definitely not peak-Ant (piquant? Sorry), this often sagged, leaving an indifferent crowd yearning for the hits. It was only when heckled that the indignAnt (so sorry) singer came alive. A satisfying slice of ‘The Idea’ and ‘Kings Of The Wild Frontier’ didn’t make up for the lack of Prince Charming era classics, yet still delivered a tantalising taste of greatness.

Concorde 2, Brighton, 8 April 2015


Nick Aldwinckle

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