Calamity Jane

This is, and always has been, a cracker of a show, packed with great numbers, comedy and dance – but it doesn’t always work, it takes a great team to pull it off. So full marks for this extremely enjoyable production. When the actor musician formula works it is a joy to behold and this company has it all, brilliant musicianship, characterful performances, energetic dancing, a great set and costumes… and if that is not enough the wonderful Jodie Prenger in the lead role. She is more than right for the part, nailing the comedy numbers, putting heart into the ballads and never once slipping out of character. Her comedy timing is second to none. Since winning the BBC competition she has proved over and over that she is a great talent and there are still so many roles out there that I want to see her do. But for now I would happily watch this production of a classic over and over.
Theatre Royal Brighton
28 April
Andrew Kay
5 stars

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