Dido & Aeneas – BREMF Community Choir, Joe Paxton (conductor)

Henry Purcell created his ever-popular mini-opera for a girls’ school, so it makes good sense to include as many children as possible. The well-rehearsed youngsters from St. John’s Catholic Primary School and Queen’s Park Primary School certainly enjoyed their delightful contribution to this enthusiastic and fast-improving community choir. In true BREMF style the musicians, led by violinist Julia Bishop, were stylish and refined. So too were the principals, Catrin Woodruff (Dido) and Andrew Robinson (Aeneas), with classy support from Kat Carson (Belinda) and Liz Webb (Sorceress). Director Saskia Wesnigk presided over movement while Joe Paxton kept it all marvellously together.

St George’s Church, 18 June 2015


Andrew Connal

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