An Audience With Helen Lederer

The main issue with this show (informal chit chat with her good friend Jo Good) is that it tried to do everything and instead did very little. Clearly designed to promote her new novel, the format should have centred on that premise, informing her fans on her writing process/inspirations and book development. Instead we got a brief back story on her life, some career anecdotes, a bit about the book, her various TV appearances (all for the money apparently, refreshingly honest in one way, a merciless sad indictment of the state of TV in another) and some poems from the audience (I would argue cynically designed to fill the show). She’s led an interesting life and she’s engaging to watch. Life, story show or book promotion, choose one and stick to it.

Connaught Studio, Worthing, 9 July 2015


Lee Stevens

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