51 year old woman raped in Brighton

A 51 year old woman has been raped in Brighton.

The victim was attacked between 2.30am and 7am on July 31st in the Upper Rock Gardens area of the city.

The first suspect is described as black, over 6’3″ and stocky. The second suspect is described as white, taller than the black man, skinny with untidy hair and a denim jacket.

Detective Sergeant Chris Lane said; “We are appealing for anyone who saw the victim or suspects in the area. The victim, who is white, is visually distinctive as she was wearing a light coloured coat and red/white striped leggings with a ‘Where’s Wally’ motif. The Chihuahua may have been carried inside her coat and was wearing a pink collar and lead.

“If you can help in any way, please contact us via 101@sussex.pnn.police.ukor call us on 101, in either case quoting serial 0411 of 31/07. You can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

“In particular, several members of public including a woman on a pedal cycle may have tried to assist the victim in the Upper Rock Gardens or nearby Hampshire Court area after she was attacked and before she was found by another member of the public near St Marys Church at 9am that day. We are also very keen to trace these people.”

Officers have been carrying out intensive local enquiries including assessment of CCTV, and the investigation continues.

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