Frisky And Mannish – Just Too Much

Frisky and Mannish, self-appointed educators of us all in the ways of ‘pop’ in recent shows, have arrived to further deconstruct the industry they love to destroy – and this time it’s all about the meltdowns. The pair have always appeared to love and hate each other in equal part on stage, wickedly sniping and backbiting, they are the king and queen of the backhanded compliment. A whirling dervish of extravagance consisting of costumes, multimedia, props (love that wrecking ball!), and even a ballet scene, the bottom line is that these are two incredibly talented musicians and comedians. The show itself did not feel as tightly coherent as past outings, but the whole – as always – was a bombastic musical experience mixing base wit and high skill.

Corn Exchange, Brighton Dome, 10 October 2015


Victoria Nangle

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