Hofesh Shechter Company’s barbarians

Ominously warned by staff that it “would be loud”, barbarians certainly delivered, not only in volume but also in thematic terms, and even in the lighting. The opening ‘the barbarians in love’ piece was technically dazzling, with a robotic, electronic Arca sort of soundtrack perfectly synchronised with stark white lighting illuminating the tentative figures below. The sensorial assault then abated to a moving respite of warm light and neutral, uncertain nudity. ‘tHE bAD’ was a raucous, sexier romp with a funny meta-moment when a dancer spoke to the audience that was entertaining rather than gratuitously conceptual. The final part featuring a duet of lovers in different stages of a relationship was unnerving and sad, but also funny and sweet. A bewitching, turbulent, emotional, startlingly well-rehearsed and directed marvel.

Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 21 October 2015


Joe Fuller

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