BREMF: Biblical Heroines – The London Handel Players

The programme was a fantastic mix of instrumentals and two cantatas, and Elizabeth Jacquet de La Guerre’s and Jean-Marie Leclair’s violin sonatas were both buoyant pieces, dazzlingly led by violinist Adrian Butterfield. The beautifully layered ‘Musette’ movement of Leclair’s sonata in particular was a moving highlight, a stark example of the potential complexities and timeless melodies that can be found in early music. Some harpsichord miniatures from François Couperin were a sweet, intelligent Bach-like treat, consummately played by Laurence Cummings. The two de La Guerre cantatas featured evocative, still vibrato from soprano Ruby Hughes and Katherine Sharman’s controlled viola da gamba backing provided both warmly endearing drone and impressive technical noodling.

St George’s Church, 31 October 2015


Joe Fuller

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